Planning Applications

This page shows Planning applications, ordered by the submission date, for the previous 24 months within Aiskew and Leeming Bar Parish Council's remit. Click an application to be taken to the planning portal and see complete information.

There are a total of 87, you are viewing 70 - 79


address Old Hatchery Blind Lane Aiskew North Yorkshire DL8 1BW
description Full planning application for the construction of 1 no. dwelling (Plot 80), extension to the amenity space for Plot 40 and bioidversity improvement works associated with Reserved Matters Approval in relation to 22/02555/OUT
area Hambleton
start date 18/05/2023
decision Granted - 17/11/2023


address 5 Potlands Leeming Bar Northallerton North Yorkshire DL7 9BA
description Application for Discharge of Condition 3 (Render Colour Finish) for Approved Application 22/02785/FUL We are proposing the Colour Ref 1002Y50R from the Wetherby Colour Chart be used for the Main Walls in lieu of WhiteWe are proposing Colour RAL 7012 (Basalt Grey) for Below DPC & to Widow Surrounds in lieu of Black
area Hambleton
start date 18/05/2023
decision Granted - 13/07/2023


address Old Hatchery Blind Lane Aiskew North Yorkshire DL8 1BW
description Reserved matters application under outline permission 22/02555/OUT for the erection of 87 dwelling houses (C3) with siting, landscaping, design and external appearance for consideration (as amended)
area Hambleton
start date 18/05/2023
decision Granted - 17/11/2023


address Exelby Services Coneygarth Leases Road Leeming Bar Northallerton North Yorkshire DL7 9EG
description Proposed new gym building to link to existing shop/showers. Proposed back of house shop extension. Proposed new secure self storage area. 5no. new EV car charging bays and new substation. Revised car parking across the site. Decommissioned red arrow plane installation.
area Hambleton
start date 10/05/2023
decision Granted - 21/07/2023


address Plot 1 Conygarth Way Leeming Bar Business Park Leeming Bar North Yorkshire DL7 9EE
description Application for the construction of warehouse building
area Hambleton
start date 18/04/2023
decision Granted - 24/08/2023


address Land South West Of Cowling Garth 91 Bedale Road Aiskew North Yorkshire
description Application for Outline planning permission with some matters reserved (to consider access) for proposed construction of Class E foodstore and Class E/Sui Generis Cafe/Drive-Thru together with access, car parking, servicing, landscaping and associated works.
area Hambleton
start date 05/04/2023
decision None


address 9 Fox Covert Close Aiskew Bedale North Yorkshire DL8 1XJ
description Works to fell a Sycamore tree with a tree preservation order 1992/05 TPO
area Hambleton
start date 05/04/2023
decision Granted - 26/05/2023


address Plot 7 Conygarth Way Leeming Bar Business Park Leeming Bar North Yorkshire DL7 9EE
description Construction of storage and distribution unit (Class B1 and B8 uses) with associated hard standing and access
area Hambleton
start date 28/03/2023
decision Granted - 31/07/2023


address Land South West Of Cowling Garth 91 Bedale Road Aiskew North Yorkshire
description Proposed Foodstore and Drive-Thru Development
area Hambleton
start date 21/03/2023
decision Environmental Statement Not Required - 11/03/2024


address Rear Of Former Thoroughway House Leeming Bar North Yorkshire
description Alteration and extension to existing agricultural building for use as a Class B8 (Storage and Distribution) business as amended by plan received by North Yorkshire Council on 28 September 2023
area Hambleton
start date 16/03/2023
decision Refused - 20/10/2023