Planning Applications

This page shows Planning applications, ordered by the submission date, for the previous 24 months within Aiskew and Leeming Bar Parish Council's remit. Click an application to be taken to the planning portal and see complete information.

There are a total of 91, you are viewing 40 - 49


address Old Hatchery Blind Lane Aiskew North Yorkshire DL8 1BW
description Application to discharge condition 6 (Carbon Savings) for previously approved application ZB23/01079/REM (as revised)
area Hambleton
start date 21/03/2024
decision None


address Rear Of Former Thoroughway House Leeming Bar North Yorkshire
description Construction of extension to existing storage building
area Hambleton
start date 20/03/2024
decision Refused - 12/06/2024


address Leases Cottage Leases Road Leeming Bar Northallerton North Yorkshire DL7 9DE
description Change of use of land to commercial for the siting of a container for the operation of a pet crematorium and collection area with 2no parking bays, unloading area and siting of an oil tank
area Hambleton
start date 20/03/2024
decision Granted - 27/06/2024


address 7 Bedale Rose Avenue Leeming Bar Northallerton North Yorkshire DL7 9FA
description Construction of sun room to rear of property with canopy extending along width of house
area Hambleton
start date 18/03/2024
decision Granted - 15/04/2024


address Old Hatchery Blind Lane Aiskew North Yorkshire DL8 1BW
description Application for non material amendment for previously approved application ZB23/01079/REM - Removal of garages from plots 27 and 55 replace with parking bay
area Hambleton
start date 14/03/2024
decision Granted - 24/09/2024


address The Bungalow Blind Lane Aiskew North Yorkshire DL8 1BW
description Variation of conditions attached to Application Reference Number: 21/00469/MRC Variation of condition 20 (approved plans) of planning permission 18/02032/FUL (Demolition of all existing site structures and construction of a care home facility) to increase capacity from 60 to 70 beds as amended by plan received by Hambleton District Council on 15 March 2021 (2 extra parking spaces)
area Hambleton
start date 14/03/2024
decision Granted - 12/12/2024


address Froneri Plews Way Leeming Bar Industrial Estate Leeming Bar Northallerton North Yorkshire DL7 9UL
description Demolition of existing building and construction of ammonia plant extension, construction of new boundary palisade fencing.
area Hambleton
start date 06/03/2024
decision Granted - 07/05/2024


address Plot 1 Conygarth Way Leeming Bar Business Park Leeming Bar North Yorkshire DL7 9EE
description Discharge of Conditions 5 and 6 to previously approved application ZB23/00881/FUL
area Hambleton
start date 05/03/2024
decision Granted - 17/06/2024


address 9 Fox Covert Close Aiskew Bedale North Yorkshire DL8 1XJ
description Conversion of garage to ancillary accommodation and erection of single storey rear extension
area Hambleton
start date 12/02/2024
decision Granted - 26/03/2024


address Old Hatchery Blind Lane Aiskew North Yorkshire DL8 1BW
description Application for non material amendment (as amended) on approved application ZB23/01078/FUL -amendment sought for removal of photovoltaic panels from plot 80 as will not be needed due to ASHP being installed.
area Hambleton
start date 09/02/2024
decision Granted - 30/10/2024