Planning Applications

This page shows Planning applications, ordered by the submission date, for the previous 24 months within Aiskew and Leeming Bar Parish Council's remit. Click an application to be taken to the planning portal and see complete information.

There are a total of 91, you are viewing 50 - 59


address Street Record Back Lane Aiskew Bedale North Yorkshire
description Application for works to trees subject to a Tree Preservation Order 20/00006/TPO
area Hambleton
start date 29/01/2024
decision Granted - 29/02/2024


address 9 Fox Covert Close Aiskew Bedale North Yorkshire DL8 1XJ
description Application for works to a Sycamore tree subject to a Tree Preservation Order 1992/05 to reduce the top of the crown by 1.5m
area Hambleton
start date 10/01/2024
decision Granted - 16/02/2024


address Simply Dutch Limited Darton House 2 Bedale Road Leeming Bar Northallerton North Yorkshire DL7 9AS
description Construction of boundary fence with landscaping
area Hambleton
start date 13/12/2023
decision Granted - 19/02/2024


address Stables At Leases Hall Leases Road Leeming Bar North Yorkshire DL7 9DE
description Discharge of Condition 2 to previously approved application 23/00281/FUL
area Hambleton
start date 08/12/2023
decision Granted - 27/02/2024


address NEDL UK Limited Offices At Leases Hall Leases Road Leeming Bar Northallerton North Yorkshire DL7 9DE
description Conversion of ground floor stables and first floor living/office to form additional dwelling with associated fenestration changes and insertion of roof windows
area Hambleton
start date 01/12/2023
decision Granted - 27/02/2024


address 20 Kingfisher Drive Aiskew Bedale North Yorkshire DL8 1XG
description Application to remove existing conservatory and construction of wrap around rear and side single story extension
area Hambleton
start date 29/11/2023
decision Granted - 23/01/2024


address Land Off Northallerton Road Leeming Bar North Yorkshire
description Proposed new 20ft Access Gate into Agricultural Field
area Hambleton
start date 24/11/2023
decision Granted - 24/01/2024


address Procters Vacant Unit Portland Way Leeming Bar Industrial Estate Leeming Bar North Yorkshire DL7 9UH
description Change of use from offices to use Class E part g) research and development/industrial processes.
area Hambleton
start date 13/11/2023
decision Granted - 08/01/2024


address Rear Of Former Thoroughway House Leeming Bar North Yorkshire
description Revised application for change of use from Agricultural store to Class B8 (Storage and Distribution) business, timber cladding to existing building, changes to fenestration
area Hambleton
start date 07/11/2023
decision Granted - 27/02/2024


address Glanaberth 29 Leeming Lane Leeming Bar Northallerton North Yorkshire DL7 9RR
description Render to all elevations, replace single storey rear and side extension with single storey wrap around extension, landscaping and retaining walls to rear to create level access ramps to entrances for disabled access. Widening of driveway entrance and replace boundary hedge with brick wall. As amended on 15 December 2023
area Hambleton
start date 07/11/2023
decision Granted - 10/01/2024