Planning Applications

This page shows Planning applications, ordered by the submission date, for the previous 24 months within Aiskew and Leeming Bar Parish Council's remit. Click an application to be taken to the planning portal and see complete information.

There are a total of 91, you are viewing 1 - 10


address Froneri Richmond House Plews Way Leeming Bar Industrial Estate Leeming Bar Northallerton North Yorkshire DL7 9UL
description Create larger roller shutter door opening, additional dock leveller installation and alterations to fire exit.
area Hambleton
start date 20/12/2024
decision None


address Sunniside House 44 Bedale Road Aiskew Bedale North Yorkshire DL8 1DD
description Application for variation of wording condition 1 (occupancy) for previously approved application 16/01455/MRC
area Hambleton
start date 16/12/2024
decision None


address Ashgrove 89 Bedale Road Aiskew Bedale North Yorkshire DL8 1DF
description Application for approval of details reserved by condition 1 (time) 2 (drawings) and 3 (materials) for previously approved application ZB23/02170/FUL
area Hambleton
start date 06/12/2024
decision None


address Land Between 39 And 41 Northallerton Road Leeming Bar North Yorkshire
description Erection of new warehouse units to serve an existing car accessories business
area Hambleton
start date 28/11/2024
decision None


address Cawingredients Limited Caw House Conygarth Way Leeming Bar Business Park Leeming Bar Northallerton North Yorkshire DL7 9FD
description Application for modification of conditions 2(approved plans) 3(lighting impact assessment) and 4 (acoustic fencing) for approved application ZB23/01840/FUL - Full planning and part retrospective permission for the demolition of an existing storage building and erection of two new storage buildings, a raised walkway, dock leveller, new car park, servicing, vehicular and pedestrian circulation and all associated infrastructure and landscaping
area Hambleton
start date 28/11/2024
decision None


address W Braithwaite And Sons Floral Nurseries 26 Bedale Road Leeming Bar Northallerton North Yorkshire DL7 9BG
description Application for a non material amendment following grant of planning application ZB24/01173/FUL (alter internal walls block up existing door,put in 2 windows and add a single door to rear of property)
area Hambleton
start date 14/11/2024
decision Granted - 26/11/2024


address The Beeches 21 Low Street Leeming Bar Northallerton North Yorkshire DL7 9BW
description Application for works to trees subject to a Tree Preservation Order 1992/06 T1 & T2
area Hambleton
start date 11/11/2024
decision Withdrawn - 06/01/2025


address 10 Ings View Aiskew Bedale North Yorkshire DL8 1DP
description Dangerous branches on one of the TPO trees to the rear of address, registered as owned by NYC
area Hambleton
start date 07/11/2024
decision Granted - 18/11/2024


address Land On The South West Side Of 11 Harkness Drive Leeming Bar North Yorkshire DL7 9BB
description Application for Approval of Reserved Matters (Appearance landscaping layout scale) following Outline Approval 22/01509/OUT - Development of 100 dwellings and associated infrastructure, access and landscaping
area Hambleton
start date 05/11/2024
decision None


address 8 Sandhill Lane Aiskew Bedale North Yorkshire DL8 1DA
description Application for approval of Condition 3 (materials) for previously approved application ZB24/00861/FUL
area Hambleton
start date 01/11/2024
decision Granted - 18/11/2024